js33333金沙(China)线路检测-Unique Platform



报告时间:2024年12月6日 周五上午 10:30


组织单位:东南大学 js33333金沙线路检测

邀  请  人:李世华教授 js33333金沙线路检测

报告主题:Modern Sliding Mode Control Approach to Lyapunov Redesign


Leonid M. Fridman received an M.S. degree in mathematics from Kuibyshev  (Samara) State University, Samara, Russia, in 1976, a Ph.D. degree in applied mathematics from the Institute of Control Science, Moscow, Russia, in 1988, and a Dr. Sc. degree in control science from Moscow State University of Mathematics and Electronics, Moscow, Russia, in 1998. In 2002, he joined the Department of Control Engineering and Robotics, Division of Electrical Engineering of Engineering Faculty at  National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico. His main research interests are variable structure systems. He is a co-author and coeditor of Twelve books and nineteen special issues of the leading journals devoted to the different aspects of sliding mode control. In 2014–2018 he served as a Chair of TC on Variable Structure and Sliding Mode Control of IEEE Control Systems Society. He is the recipient of the Harold Chestnut Control Engineering Textbook Prize of IFAC in 2021, winner of the National University Prize at UNAM in 2019 and Scopus prize for the best cited Mexican Scientists in Mathematics and Engineering in 2010. Professor Fridman was also an International Chair of INRIA, France, and a High-Level Foreign Expert of  Ministry of Education of China 2017-2022.


    The classical Lyapunov Redesign methodology will be revisited. It is shown that the Lyapunov function for nominal system can be considered as a sliding manifold generator. The abilities of four kinds of principal MIMO Sliding Mode Controllers (SMC): relay SMC, unit SMC, continuous (super-twisting based) SMC, Lipschitz SMC, to keep finite time stability of generated sliding mode manifolds will be discussed. The conditions for system insensibility with respect to matched and unmatched parametrical uncertainties including norm of uncertainties of control gains and matched perturbations will be formulated. The chattering parameters of such controllers will be observed and compared.

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