js33333金沙(China)线路检测-Unique Platform



报告时间:2024年11月7日 周四下午 15:00


组织单位:东南大学 js33333金沙线路检测

邀  请  人:李世华教授 js33333金沙线路检测

报告主题:Disturbance Observer-based Predictive Repetitive Control with Constraints


Professor Liuping Wang received her Ph.D degree in 1989 from the Department of  Automatic Control and Systems Engineering, University of Sheffield, UK. Upon  completion of her PhD degree, she worked in the Department of Chemical Engineering  at the University of Toronto, Canada for eight years in the field of process control.  From 1998 to 2002, she worked in the Center for Integrated Dynamics and Control,  University of Newcastle, Australia. In February 2002, she joined the School of Electrical  and Computer Engineering, RMIT University, Australia where she is a Professor of  Control Engineering since 2007. She has authored and co-authored more than 400  scientific papers in the field of system identification, PID control, adaptive control, model  predictive control, electrical drive control, sensor fusion and control technology  applications to industrial processes.


    This presentation develops an observer based predictive repetitive control system to  track periodic reference signals or reject disturbances with bandlimited frequency content.  The new design complements existing approaches to predictive control systems, where a  model of the periodic disturbance is embedded in the controller. In particular, the new  design, based on novel combination of repetitive control and a disturbance observer,  yields a significant improvement in design transparency and implementation simplicity.  Although the design is undertaken using a state-space-model, frequency response analysis  based on the sensitivity and complementary functions is used to demonstrate the  characteristics of the repetitive control system for disturbance rejection, reference  following and measurement noise attenuation. Moreover, operational constraints can be  included in the design for applications where this feature is required. Experimental  validation results from application to a two-joint robotic arm are also given and discussed.

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