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6月21日(周五)下午2:00南京理工大学宫辰教授学术报告-- Structure-aware Positive and Unlabeled learning


报告题目:Structure-aware Positive and Unlabeled learning

报 告 人:宫辰 教授

单    位:南京理工大学

时    间:20190621日周五下午2:00

地    点:中心楼二楼教育部重点实验室会议室

邀请人/主持人:魏海坤 教授



Positive and Unlabeled learning (PU learning) has attracted intensive research efforts in recent years, of which the target is to train an accurate binary classifier based on only positive and unlabeled examples. PU learning is very useful when the negative training data are absent or too diverse, and the representative applications include product recommendation, abnormal behavior detection, medical diagnosis, remote sensing, etc. In this talk, I will introduce the recent works of our group on structure-aware PU learning such as “Large-margin Label-calibrated SVM” (LLSVM) and “Multi-Manifold PU learning” (MMPU). The model establishment, theoretical analyses and empirical studies will be particularly discussed.


宫辰入选南京理工大学“青年拔尖人才选聘项目”,现任南京理工大学计算机科学与工程学院教授、博导。于2010年获得华东理工大学学士学位,并分别于20162017年获上海交通大学和悉尼科技大学双博士学位。其研究方向主要包括机器学习、数据挖掘及基于学习的计算机视觉问题。已在世界顶级期刊或会议上发表60余篇学术论文,主要包括IEEE T-NNLS, IEEE T-IP, IEEE T-CYB, CVPR, AAAI, IJCAI等,另有5项发明专利获得授权。目前担任AIJIEEE T-PAMIIEEE T-NNLSIEEE T-IPIEEE T-KDE20余家国际权威期刊审稿人,并受邀担任ICMLNeurIPSIJCAIAAAIICDM等多个国际会议的PC/SPC member。曾获上海交通大学“优秀博士学位论文”奖、中国人工智能学会“优秀博士学位论文”奖、江苏省“六大人才高峰”、江苏省“双创博士”、江苏省科协“青年人才托举工程”、中国科协“青年人才托举工程”等。

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